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Varsity Lacrosse and Soccer Receive Multiple All-GPAC Honors!

Varsity Lacrosse and Soccer Receive Multiple All-GPAC Honors!

Varsity Lacrosse and Soccer have much to be proud of this year, as both teams received numerous All-GPAC (Greater Piedmont Athletic Conference) recognitions. Congratulations to all!

Varsity Lacrosse

“Varsity Lacrosse had a good season and these four athletes were instrumental in our success,” shared Coach Michelle Woodruff. “Their First Team All-Conference accolades were well deserved. Rachel was very strong in the goal, making some great saves in our games. Ava was our leading scorer, defying the defensive unit on other teams. Flora was strong on the draw, as well as on both ends of the field — she was critical in our transition game. Grace was rock solid on both attack and defense, a strong well-rounded middie who was a playmaker for us. These four were critical to our team’s success this season.”

First Team All-Conference
Rachel L. '26
艾娃P. '26
恩典P. '24
植物W. '25

Varsity Soccer

“The Varsity Soccer team had another successful season and these three players were instrumental to our success in every single game,” offered Coach James Sweeney. “Kyla is always energetic and loves running by opposing defenders to help our offense score goals. Sarah is the bedrock of our defensive unit and plays one of the most difficult positions in our conference. Lily was everywhere on the field for us, leading the team in goals and assists while playing an important defensive role in the midfield. The entire Varsity Soccer team saw incredible improvement throughout this season, which had a lot to do with the leadership of these three fantastic players.”

First Team All-Conference
莉莉米. ’25

Second Team All-Conference
莎拉·F. ’24

Honorable Mention
Kyla P. ’26