




Foxcroft’s 2023 Helen Cudahy Niblack 1942 艺术 Lecturer Callie Broaddus started taking pictures to fund her riding career. “I would take pictures of other people in my barn and sell them. It didn't fully fund my career, but that level of photography carried on for a long time. It took me through my riding career until I started working at National Geographic … and that turned my photography into wildlife photography.”

“所以摄影, 对我来说,她接着说, “turned from [a] means of funding my own personal pursuits to a vector for telling stories and sharing little bits of information.” Broaddus also shared that through her work and travel for National Geographic Kids, she photographed and learned quite a bit about endangered species, 气候变化, 尤其是生物多样性的丧失. She also learned that she wanted to do something. That something was creating a youth-led biodiversity conservation nonprofit organization. 

“We've all heard about 气候变化; biodiversity loss is a parallel problem, 但它并没有被谈论得那么多,她分享道。. “我也发现只有 .18% of all global philanthropy goes toward conservation of intact habitats. That is not anywhere near enough to fight this challenge. I realized I needed to do something … so I met up with Bella Lack. She had 150,000 followers on 推特, and she was 16. I said, ‘I want to create a youth-funded nature reserve. I want to get young people around the world interested in saving our biodiversity hotspots.’她说,‘我们为什么不一起做呢?’ So we put out this tweet, a bunch of people responded, and soon it became 保留地:青年土地信托基金. 这就是我的非营利组织.”

Reserva's mission is “to empower young people to make a measurable difference for threatened species and habitats through conservation, 教育, and storytelling” — and make a difference they have. The nonprofit includes about 100 people ages 26 and under from 30 countries. Broaddus shared that the organization recently reached its fundraising goal to establish and protect the Dracula Youth Reserve, an entirely youth-funded 244-acre private area in the Andean Chocó cloud forest of northwestern Ecuador. She also spoke about their newest project — expansion of the reserve after finding evidence of gold mining on neighboring land.

“我们作为一个团队做出了决定, rather than moving on and starting another reserve elsewhere, we were going to buck up and try to fundraise what we needed to save 1050 acres of that forest right there,她分享道。. “We're only about $13,000 away from completing this 1,050-acre expansion of the reserve.”

在她的演讲中, Broaddus shared many of the beautiful photos she captured on their various expeditions explaining, “I just want to highlight that this photography is all now to serve the science. They used to just kind of take a cell phone picture, and that's not really inspiring anyone. We also were using all of these images and sending them to the municipal government, and they got so jazzed about Dracula Reserve that they plastered one of their trucks. This is big … the government is the group that gives out these mining concessions. So the more we can get the government on our side, the more chance we have of saving this reserve.” 

Broaddus finished her presentation with the heartbreaking and poignant story of her nature-loving, 气候倡导小妹, 芬利, 谁, 在她高中的最后一年, 被诊断出患有严重的致命癌症. 躺在病床上, 芬利设立了一个基金来筹集18美元,000 to fight 气候变化 by her 18th birthday. By that day, she had raised $70,000, and by the day she died, she had raised $100,000.

“All because one 18-year-old girl shared a story and what she was passionate about and asked for help. This is how I know young people have enormous financial power to inspire others and make a real difference for nature. 每个人都有自己的故事. 我们都可以帮忙.”

Established in 2007 by Austi Brown 1973 in memory of her mother, the Helen Cudahy Niblack 1942 艺术 Lecture Series seeks to bring a variety of fine, 文学, 执行, and practical artists and designers to Foxcroft to share their work, 创造过程的本质, and the breadth of artistic pursuits with both students and the community. It has sponsored visits by a Broadway actor and director, 牛仔冠军诗人, 来自塞内加尔和纽约的嘻哈艺术家, 音乐家, 说书人, 和更多的.